RPN Scientific Calculator - Features - Functions

RPN Scientific Calculator - Features

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Complete Function List

10 to the power of xo
Zeroth order Bessel's Function of the 1st kind
First order Bessel's Function of the 1st kind
xth order Bessel's Function of the 1st kind
Zeroth order Bessel's Function of the 2nd kind
First order Bessel's Function of the 2nd kind
xth order Bessel's Function of the 2nd kind
Absolute value of xa
The smallest integral value not less than x
Cosine of xc
Cotangent of x
Cosecant of x
Cube root of x
Double Factorial of x
Error function of x
Complimentary error function of x
Exponetial function of xe
Factorial of x
The largest integral value not greater than x
The fractional part of x
Gamma function of x
Integer portion of x
Inverse of xi
Natural logarithm of Gamma function of x
Natural logarithm of x
Log base 10 of xn
Round x to nearest integer
Generate a random number from 0 to 1 inclusive
Secant of x
Sine of xs
x squaredq
Square root of xr
Tangent of xt
Riemann zeta function of xz

Binary FunctionsDescriptionKeystroke
y choose x
Change in percent between x and y
Geometric mean
Hypotenuse formed from x and y

y plus x+
y minus x-
y times x*
y divided by x/
x to the power y~
Log base x of y_
integer(integer(y) divided by integer(x))
integer(y) modulo integer(x)
Remainder of y divided by x